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Rooms & price

Holiday apartment 1

Apartment with Shower/Toilet for max. 6 People
STV *** Sup.

Comfort Apartment

Attractive infrastructure in good condition

Presentable, well-maintained furnishings with good comfort

Cosy and appealing overall impression

Intermediate Level "Superior":

If a property achieves the number of points - but not the required criteria - of the next higher category, the attribute “Superior” will be added. Intermediate Level “Superior”.

current price 120,00 CHF
In 2012 the kitchen was renovated and new furniture put in.

Remarks: Bedclothes and guest taxes included in the price.

Bathroom: Hair dryer facilities: 1 bedroom, Balcony, Barbecue facilities, Child's cot, Coffee machine, Combined living and sleeping area, DVD player, Dishwasher, Fireplace, Kitchen, Kitchen towels, Kitchenware, Non smoking room/apartment, Oven, Pets not allowed, Radio, Refrigerator, Set for fondue, Set for raclette

Surface area (m2): 65

  Minimum stay: 7 nights
  Possible occupation: to 4 persons
Availability Calendar
Ferienwohnung Arnika Kornmayer, Obersaxen-Affeier

Ms. Kornmayer

Affeier 297134 Obersaxen
Telephone  0041 79 428 28 37

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    Monika Kornmayer

    Affeier 29

    7134 Obersaxen


    Phone: +41 79 428 28 37





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